Tanques Decantadores / Clarificadores Serie TQD

Decanter / Clarifier Tanks Series TQD

A robust and economic solution.

The decanters / clarifiers Rollier’s TDQ are a robust and economic solution for the recovery of muds in sand washing installations. They are available in several sizes: from 6 meters of diameter up to 12 meters. These Decanters / Clarifiers are economic because they do not have metallic base: a platform of concrete is enough to support it. In consequence, there is avoided the metallic floor and the heavy  structure to bear its weight. The panels are made of sheet folded, robust and simple.

Retractable Scraper

The tanks decanters / clarifiers Rollier’s TDQ have a lifting device included in the scraper. This facilitates the cleanliness of the bottom. The bridge does not turn, but it remain stationary, unlike many decanters of our competitors. Therefore, this allows simpler solutions of implantation and maintenance.

Ease of maintenance

The pump of evacuation of muds is centrifugal, being much cheaper and strong than a pump of screw type Moineau.

System of dosing of flocculant Rollier MONIC incuded in the decanters / clarifiers Rollier’s TDQ

An automatic system of dosing is included. It is provided with the pumps necessary for the circulation of the flocculant liquid prepared for the decanter. Also there can be supplied an optical system of preparation of flocculant blend.

More about washing sand.