Precribadores primarios Rollier de la Serie PKR

Grizzly Feeders PKR Series

Grizzly feeders features

Rollier PKR grizzly feeders are strong vibrating feeders suitable to feed primary or secondary crushers. They are also used to clean large volume scrap. They are manufactured as grizzly feeders (to be installed in a primary quarry hopper) or as grizzlies without feeding tray, to be placed downstream of a conveyor belt or feeder. They can be designed with or without steps combs, with second screening bridge (to separate the sterile) or without screening, as a primary feeder without combs. The Rollier grizzly feeders are the best solution to clean the stones in your quarry.

PKR series grizzly feeders reliability.

The Rollier PKR grizzly feeders are heavy duty design, with a reliable suspension system based in strong springs or rubber blocks. The Rollier PKR grizzly feeders are animated by two powerful vibrator motors, without maintenance. The whole box is lined with anti-wear plates inside. The screening comb or round screening bars is also manufactured of anti-wear steel.

Benefits of grizzly feeders Rollier PKR

  • Proven reliability
  • High capacity
  • Perfect match with all kind of primary crushers
  • Zero maintenance

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